Do you need help to login to this website ?

You need to be owner of a villa in Villa Collina, and be registered with mail your mail-address in the unions register.

When you go to our website, you will see this:

and lowest down you find :

The last part marked in a red circle means:

Member Login



Forget about "Husk mig", it does not work anyway.


If you type incorrectly (or leave all empty) you will meet this

Which translated to English means:

Username or e-mail address


and a check box if you want the computer to remember your credentials.

But the small row below the box (highlighted) might the most important for you, that says "Lost your password?"   Click on that.

Fill in your email-address in the highlighted area and click on the bottom "Få ny  adgangskode" (Receive new password).

It must be the mail-address registered at the web-site registration.


You will then receive a mail with a link to reset your password.